The Importance to study an exchange program.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Talking about studying abroad is a different concept for those who go to different countries, especially in developed countries and Europe. According to my experience as an awardee from EU SHARE scholarship program to Indonesia majoring Media and Communication, I have learned something new and have a new perspective.

I have changed my perspective in the terms of Education, Culture, and challenging. First, education plays an important role in every society and it is vital to develop human resources. Education system is the most key factor to educate people into a knowledgeable society.

 I have understood what I have learned as a research and innovation way. Being a university student, we have to do more research and read lot of books. Well, in here we do more research and read as much as we have time, but I do believe that it still not more research if it compares to develop countries. I changed the way I study, especially researching and reading. On the other hand, I do believe that it will help you to become a wisdom people if you read it more and more.

In addition, Culture is interesting to learn. We not only learn, but also share our culture. We understand more about their culture, and they do share the value of our culture. It makes us more interesting to know the world culture around, despite of lack of culture knowledge. I finally know how culture is important. It helps us to know why they have different culture from us and the value of the different culture.

Let’s me talk about challenging, I do challenge everything since the beginning. I have to challenge with others. I have to prepare and do more research to write my study plan or motivating letter. On the one hand, I had to write a very interesting paper. Studying abroad made us know who we have to challenge and who we are today. It is all about competition to be a champion in our study life.

All in all, it is not easy to studying abroad, but it will change your thinking. I had a very different perspective about education, economics, culture, and life experience. You will have more responsibilities in your life. You finally know who you are and the way to live in a challenging way, and different learning environment. To me, I have changed the way I study. I did more research and reading. Also, my research is a bite different from the past because I have changed into a researching environment.

 Last but not least, I do have more new concepts to bring back to my beloved country and will be a new perspective way to live and learn.
