My Trip to Bali, Indonesia

Rafting with one Indonesian, Myanmar, and a couple from England  in Bali.
BY: SEM Vanna 
#Life Style / Personal Interest 
I headed to Bali on April 14th 2018, but I did not flight from Semarang to Bali directly.  I took the bus from Semarang to Jogyakatar at 4P.M and arrived at 9P.M. Unfortunately, I missed the flight because the bus had already delayed my flight one hour and it did not work 1 hour.

My friends and I were very upset and felt so bad. We stayed in Jogya airport one night and buying the new ticket, and departure in the morning. We arrived in Bali airport safely and then we rent a car to our hotel.

Bali is a very famous and amazing place in Indonesia. It has a lot of beautiful places to visit. But we didn’t go to many places as we planned because we were already late.

The one place that we were very happy is when we went to rafting. It was such a craziest time for us as friends in a short time. We spent our happiest moments together and share our exciting times in the river where we took rafting.

On the other hand, the moments that I was happy the most is swimming in the cute swimming pool. My friends seriously could not swim at all, but I just forced them to stay in the swimming pool together with me and made fun. Oh no, there was a little girl from Myanmar (my friend) whom could swim, but not so professional. I was the one who liked and swam every night after our outside trip.

An unbelievable moment is there were guys who came to take the bath and washed his or her hair in the cute swimming pool. I have never seen that before, but I finally saw it and we made more fun because of that moments.

I would say that I will go there again if I have chance to go, and I will take my love (future wife) and family along with me if the chance comes to me again.
