STEM Festival gives chances for young scientist.

Phnom Penh

The Ministry of Education Youth and Sport and Zaman International School celebrates the 12th STEM Festival at Koh Pek. 

This event are participated by students from Zaman school and other young students. The event focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. 

During the event we not only see students but also groups of creative students in Cambodia. A lot of young people come to learn about technology. Also they have chances to show about their ideas and great talent that they have learned and their real skills.

A young student from Zaman International School in grade 12 created an amazing recycle watch and others that made from paper.

“When people use paper, they absolutely throw their recycle paper away,” he said. He explains visitors how to make a recycle paper to become useful things.

“Saving paper is very important to save our environment and earth,” he added. “People like to throw away recycle paper because they do not know about their advantages,” added a person from the team. 
