My Life in High School

 In 2012 to 2015, I had studied at Sok An Tramkhna high school in which located at Tramkhna market. In that times, I had studied hard very much. My house is around 9 kilometers from school. It is not far from school, yet I leaved school at 6 P.M . My friends and I are difficult too much because of rainy season. It rained like a cat and a dog and I was very frightening very much.

 One day, My friends and I decided to ask my private school principal to stay in his school. He agreed with us, and then I stayed there with three of my friends. In grade 10 and 11, I spent my times almost in English and computer because I want to know English and speak it fluently. But I studied Maths and Physics a bite.

 In 2014, I knew that the national examination is very trick, so I felt uncomfortable with myself. I decided to stop studying English for a while and I had tried my best to learn. I studied very hard with my friends during the vacation. I spent my times to study one subject per hour.

Moreover, when I have free times, I read books and practiced doing exercises. I bought a lot of books and research more. I opened a study club and we practiced doing exercises together. On the one hand, I had a schedule for myself to study and research. I had prepared everything to study because trying my best is very important.

All in all, I passed Bacc II with grade C and it is my real capacity. I want to tell you that if you try your commitment, you can get what you want.
